How You Can Help

We thought we would add this in because many people have asked us how they can help as we endeavor to get to Papua New Guinea.
The first way that you can help, and the most important way, is:

1.)    PRAYER!!!
There are several things we would ask you to pray for:
a.) Our spiritual lives as a family as we travel on deputation and when we get to the field.
-          Satan would like nothing better than to get us discouraged and frustrated.
-           The Lords objective is to present us spotless as a family, and in order for the Lord to do this, we must be controlled by the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5:18
b.)Power from and with  God in our daily devotions.
-          We tend to get so busy that it tends to be very difficult for us to take the time to get ahold of God like we should and Need! Psalms 119:11; James 5:16
c.)Power with God in our preaching and presenting of the Ministry God has called us to.
-          I John 2:20; Ephesians 6:19,20; II Thess 3:1-2
d.)God would raise up our support.
           -II Corinthians 8-9
2.) Give
If God moves your heart, you can give to the ministry that God has called us to in Papua New Guinea.
Agency Address:
Warrenton Baptist Mission Agency
P.O. Box 821438
Vicksburg, Miss   39182

       3.)    Notes of encouragement
This can be done through regular mail, or email.
 Home address: 6520 Skyline Drive 
Milton, Fl  32570

Notes are ALWAYS such an encouragement to us and we love getting them!!! 

May God richly bless and may you keep on keeping on till Jesus Comes!!!
Tim and Rebecca Lewis
I Thess 5:24,25