Thursday, August 1, 2013

July 2013 Prayer Letter

II Corinthians 8: 2-3 “ How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. For to their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves:”

 Dear Fellow Laborers,

As many of you know, we have recently been praying about the possibility of buying a Toyota Land Cruiser that had become available in PNG. We are very excited to tell you that God HAS provided for this need through the generous and loving help of so many of you, who, through your faithful prayers and financial support have made this possible!!! You have given above and beyond, and we are very humbled and thankful! We know that it tends to be a cliché, but we really believe that you can never out give God. We know that God will greatly bless you for this labor of love!

The month of July was busy as we were in meetings in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. We had wonderful services at each church and we were greatly blessed by the sweet spirits of the congregations. At one meeting, a lady received Jesus as her Savior after the service! We know that this was directly related to the prayers and work of the church we were at, and it was so wonderful see!

Everything is coming along very well with Rebecca and the baby!! We are almost at the half-way point and all the doctors appointments have gone well! If you would please remember Rebecca in your prayers as she is still experiencing some morning sickness.

In the month of August we will be in Alabama, Georgia, and Kentucky for meetings. We would ask you to pray for safety and God’s blessing on these meetings.

Through the wonderful help of Brother Aaron McBride, we now have a website!! It is at . At the present we are putting in a photo page so that we can put photos and videos of our trips to PNG on there. Lord willing, we will soon have an updated version of our slide presentation on our website as well.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and thank you again to everyone who has given so sacrificially for the Land Cruiser!!

Yours for the Souls of Papua New Guinea,

Tim and Rebecca Lewis

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